A artista plástica Márcia Pinheiro nos convidou para participar do projeto Vacas Magras no Shopping RioMar Fortaleza. O objetivo da exposição é chamar a atenção para o problema da seca no sertão.
Com o fim da mostra, as vacas foram leiloadas e toda renda foi revertida em doações a instituições que combatem a seca no Nordeste.
.Cliente: Rio Mar
Márcia Pinheiro, sculptor and painter from Ceará, invited us to take part in the project "Vacas Magras" ("Skinny Cows"), at the RioMar Fortaleza shopping mall. The purpose of the exhibition is to draw attention to the drought that affects the Sertão region in Brazil's Northeast.
At the end of the exhibition, the cows were auctioned, and the income was returned in donations to institutions that combat the drought.
Márcia Pinheiro, sculptor and painter from Ceará, invited us to take part in the project "Vacas Magras" ("Skinny Cows"), at the RioMar Fortaleza shopping mall. The purpose of the exhibition is to draw attention to the drought that affects the Sertão region in Brazil's Northeast.
At the end of the exhibition, the cows were auctioned, and the income was returned in donations to institutions that combat the drought.