Projeto APL Cidades da cervejaria Perro Libre, de São Paulo. Para o lançamento da cerveja em 9 cidades diferentes, foram convidados 9 ilustradores locais para expressar, através do rótulo, histórias de sua cidade. O Baião Studio ilustrou a APL Perro Libre de Fortaleza.
Nossa inspiração foi o personagem Bode IoIô, uma figura folclórica da cultura popular de Fortaleza que perambulava as ruas do centro da cidade na década de 1920 ao lado de boêmios e escritores. Sua popularidade o levou a ser "eleito" vereador em 1922, como forma de protesto à política local da época.
Esse folclore ultrapassou décadas: o Bode Ioiô foi tema da escola de samba Paraíso do Tuiuti no Carnaval do Rio de Janeiro em 2019, em um samba-enredo crítico à política brasileira.
Cliente: Perro Libre // 3D: Wagner Anjos
Project APL Cidades for the brewery Perro Libre, based in São Paulo. For the launch of the beer in 9 different cities, 9 local artists were invited to express, through the label, stories of their city. Baião Studio illustrated APL Perro Libre Fortaleza for Ceará's state capital.
Our inspiration was the character Bode IoIô ("Goat Yo-Yo"), a folk figure of Fortaleza's popular culture who wandered the streets of downtown in the 1920s alongside bohemians and famous writers. His popularity led him to be "elected" councilor in 1922 as a form of protest to the local politics of the time.
This folklore went beyond decades: the Bode Ioiô was the theme of the samba school Paraíso do Tuiuti in the 2019 Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, as an example of the repeated problems in Brazilian politics.
Project APL Cidades for the brewery Perro Libre, based in São Paulo. For the launch of the beer in 9 different cities, 9 local artists were invited to express, through the label, stories of their city. Baião Studio illustrated APL Perro Libre Fortaleza for Ceará's state capital.
Our inspiration was the character Bode IoIô ("Goat Yo-Yo"), a folk figure of Fortaleza's popular culture who wandered the streets of downtown in the 1920s alongside bohemians and famous writers. His popularity led him to be "elected" councilor in 1922 as a form of protest to the local politics of the time.
This folklore went beyond decades: the Bode Ioiô was the theme of the samba school Paraíso do Tuiuti in the 2019 Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, as an example of the repeated problems in Brazilian politics.