Ilustração dos personagens de Mágico de Oz para o Natal do Shopping Villa Lobos, de São Paulo. Dorothy, o Homem de Lata, o Espantalho e o Leão Covarde ganharam traços graciosos, visando o público infanto-juvenil que visitou o castelo e o cenário do filme criados pelo shopping especialmente para o Natal de 2018.
Cliente: Shopping Villa Lobos // Agência: Peperry Comunicação
The Wizard of Oz' characters illustration for a Christmas special at Villa Lobos shopping mall, in São Paulo. Dorothy Gale, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion were portrayed as gracious figures, targeting the children and teen who visited the setting designed for Christmas 2018.
The Wizard of Oz' characters illustration for a Christmas special at Villa Lobos shopping mall, in São Paulo. Dorothy Gale, the Tin Man, the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion were portrayed as gracious figures, targeting the children and teen who visited the setting designed for Christmas 2018.