O Festival Vida e Arte é promovido pelo grupo de comunicação O POVO e contou com a participação do Baião Studio em sua edição de 2018. Desenvolvemos uma capa especial para o caderno do festival no jornal O POVO e pintamos a loja do grupo dentro do evento.
Cliente: Jornal OPovo Fotos: Roberto Kennedy
The Festival Vida e Arte ("Life and Art Festival") is promoted by O POVO ("The People") media group, from Ceará state. We developed the cover for the event guide published on the O POVO newspaper and painted their booth inside the event in the 2016 edition.
The Festival Vida e Arte ("Life and Art Festival") is promoted by O POVO ("The People") media group, from Ceará state. We developed the cover for the event guide published on the O POVO newspaper and painted their booth inside the event in the 2016 edition.