Fomos convidados pelo jornal O POVO para criar a capa do caderno Vida & Arte, em sua edição especial sobre arte urbana de Fortaleza. Fizemos uma homenagem aos "reis do graffiti", brincando com a carta do baralho para ilustrar os dois lados dessa arte de rua: graffiti/pixo.
Cliente: Jornal OPovo
We were selected by the newspaper O POVO to create a cover of the Vida & Arte ("Life & Art") section in its special edition about urban art in Fortaleza, Ceará's state capital. We prepared a tribute to the "graffiti kings" using a playing card to illustrate the sides of street art.
We were selected by the newspaper O POVO to create a cover of the Vida & Arte ("Life & Art") section in its special edition about urban art in Fortaleza, Ceará's state capital. We prepared a tribute to the "graffiti kings" using a playing card to illustrate the sides of street art.