Ceará Design Week
Cartaz para exposição do Ceará Design Week. O evento é promovido pela Fiec, Sebrae, Sesi e Museu da Indústria, tendo como objetivo fomentar o design cearense, divulgando o impacto da sua produção e propondo leituras e reflexões inovadoras.
.Cliente: Ceará Design Week
Poster for exhibition in Ceará Design Week. The event is promoted by social institutions dedicated to foster the development of small enterprises and companies, aiming to promote art design in Ceará, publicizing the impact of its production and proposing innovative readings and reflections.
Poster for exhibition in Ceará Design Week. The event is promoted by social institutions dedicated to foster the development of small enterprises and companies, aiming to promote art design in Ceará, publicizing the impact of its production and proposing innovative readings and reflections.